type 'a arbre =V|N of int*('a arbre)*('a arbre);;
type ABR==int arbre;;
let verif_ABR a=
let rec verif_bornes_ABR y1 y2=function
| V->true
| N(z,g,d)->(z<=y2) && (y1<=z) &&
(verif_bornes_ABR y1 z g) && (verif_bornes_ABR z y2 d)
in verif_bornes_ABR min_int max_int a;;
let rec cherche x=function
| V -> false
| N(y,g,d)-> (x=y) || ((x<y) && (cherche x g)) || (cherche x d);;
let rec insert1 x=function
| V -> N(x,V,V)
| N(y,g,d)->if x<=y then N(y,insert1 x g,d) else N(y,g,insert1 x d);;
let build1 l=let rec build11=function
| []->V
| a::l->insert1 a (build11 l)
in build11 (rev l);;
build1 [2;1;8;5;4;3;6;7];;
let rec couper x=function
| V->(V,V)
| N(r,a1,d) when r>x->let (g1,d1)=couper x a1 in g1,N(r,d1,d)
| N(r,g,a1) ->let (g1,d1)=couper x a1 in N(r,g,g1),d1;;
let rec insert2 x a= let (g2,d2)=couper x a in N(x,g2,d2);;
let build2 l=let rec build21=function
| []->V
| a::l->insert2 a (build21 l)
in build21 (rev l);;
build2 [2;1;8;5;4;3;6;7];;
build1 [2;1;8;5;4;3;6;7]=build2 (rev [2;1;8;5;4;3;6;7]);;
let rec suppression x a=if not cherche x a then a else
let rec seek_n_destroy_min=function
| V -> failwith "Ne peut pas arriver"
| N(z,V,d)-> z,d
| N(z,g,d)->let m,gg=seek_n_destroy_min g in m,N(z,gg,d)
in match a with
| V -> failwith "Arbre vide dans supression"
| N(y,g,d) when x<y ->N(y,suppression x g,d)
| N(y,g,d) when x>y ->N(y,g,suppression x d)
| N(y,g,V) -> g
| N(y,g,d) -> let r,fd=seek_n_destroy_min d in N(r,g,fd);;
suppression 3 (build2 [2;1;8;5;4;3;6;7]);;
let test x l=let rec test_sentinelles m M=function
| []-> true
| y::l when y=x -> l=[]
| y::reste -> (y>=m) && (y<=M) &&
( ( (y>x) && (test_sentinelles m y reste))
|| ( test_sentinelles y M reste))
in test_sentinelles min_int max_int l;;
test 2048 [100;140;4096;150;3000;2048];;
test 2048 [100;150;4096;140;3000;2048];;
test 2048 [4096;100;140;150;3000;2048];;
test 2048 [100;150;140;4096;3000;2048];;
test 2048 [3000;4096;140;150;100;2048];;
test 2048 [100;140;4096;150;3000];;
test 2048 [2048;100;150;4096;140;3000];;
let rec fusion a1 a2=match a1,a2 with
| V,_ -> a2
| _,V -> a1
| N(e1,g1,d1),N(e2,g2,d2) -> match (random__int 2) with
|0 -> let g,d=couper e1 a2 in N(e1,fusion g1 g,fusion d1 d)
|_ -> let g,d=couper e2 a1 in N(e2,fusion g2 g,fusion d2 d);;
let rec hauteur=function
| V -> -1515
| N(_,V,V) -> 0
| N(_,g,d) -> 1+max (hauteur g) (hauteur d);;
for i=1 to 20
(hauteur (fusion (build1 [1;3;5;7;9;11;13;15;17;19]) (build1 [2;4;6;8;10;12;14;16;18;20])));
print_string " "
for i=1 to 20
(hauteur (fusion (build1 [1;3;5;7;9;11;13;15;17;19]) (build2 [2;4;6;8;10;12;14;16;18;20])));
print_string " "
let rec parcours=function
| V->[]
|N(x,g,d)->(parcours g)@(x::parcours d);;
let tri l=parcours (build1 l);;
tri [1;9;45;6;4;5;32;1515;17];;
let a=build1 [19;9;45;6;4;5;32;1515;17] in
(suppression 9 (suppression 4 a))=(suppression 4 (suppression 9 a));;
let rec inclus a1 a2=match a1 with
| V -> true
| N(e,g,d) -> let gg,dd=couper e a2 in (cherche e a2) && (inclus g gg) && (inclus d dd)
and equivalents a1 a2=(inclus a1 a2) && (inclus a2 a1);;
let gros_exemple n=let a1=ref V and a2=ref V and x=ref (random__int (10*n)) in
for i=1 to n
while (cherche !x !a1) do x:=random__int (10*n) done;
a1:=insert1 !x !a1;
a2:=insert2 !x !a2
!a1, !a2
let a1,a2=gros_exemple 10000;;
hauteur a1,hauteur a2;;
inclus a1 a2;;
inclus (insert1 17 a1) a2;;
let rec inclus_naif a1 a2=match a1 with
| V -> true
| N(e,g,d) -> (cherche e a2)&&(inclus_naif g a2)&&(inclus_naif d a2);;
inclus_naif a1 a2;;