#open "sys";;
chdir "c:/mesdoc~1/infosp~1/td/analys~1/excell";;
let create_porky_file n name=
let file=open_out (name^".slx") in
for i=1 to random__int (1000*n) do
for j=1 to random__int 50 do
output_char file (char_of_int (32+(random__int 223))) done;
output_char file `\n` done;
output_string file "Nb eleves : ";
for i=1 to random__int 50 do output_char file ` ` done;
output_binary_int file n;
for i=1 to n do
for j=1 to random__int 100 do
for k=1 to random__int 50 do
output_char file (char_of_int (32+(random__int 223))) done;
output_char file `\n` done;
output_string file "Nom :";
for j=1 to random__int 10 do output_char file ` ` done;
for j=2 to (2+random__int 15) do
output_char file (char_of_int (65+(random__int 25))) done;
for j=1 to (1+(random__int 10)) do output_char file ` ` done;
output_string file "Note :";
for j=1 to random__int 10 do output_char file ` ` done;
output_binary_int file (random__int 21);
output_char file `\n`;
close_out file;;
create_porky_file 50 "azertyu";;