type 'a arbre =V|N of 'a*('a arbre)*('a arbre);;
#open "graphics";;
open_graph "";;
let draw_int x y i =
set_color red;
draw_string (string_of_int i);
moveto x y;
set_color black;;
let rec dessin x y h l = function
| V ->()
| N(i,g,d) ->
let xg = (x-.(l/.2.)) and yg = y -. h
and xd = x +. (l/.2.) and yd = y -. h in
moveto (int_of_float x) (int_of_float y);
draw_int (int_of_float x) (int_of_float y) i;
if g<>V then begin moveto (int_of_float x) (int_of_float y);
lineto (int_of_float xg) (int_of_float yg);
dessin xg yg (2. *. h /. 3.) (l /.2.) g end;
if d<>V then begin moveto (int_of_float x) (int_of_float y);
lineto (int_of_float xd) (int_of_float yd);
dessin xd yd (2. *. h /. 3.) (l /.2.) d end
let dessin_arbre t =
clear_graph ();
let y_max = 0.9 *. (float_of_int (size_y ())) in
let h = (y_max /. 3.) in
dessin (float_of_int ((size_x ())/2))
((float_of_int (size_y ()))*.0.9)
h h t;;
let ex1=N(17,N(8,N(6,V,V),N(12,V,N(13,V,N(14,V,V)))),
dessin_arbre ex1;;
let rec hauteur=function
| V -> -1515
| N(_,V,V) -> 0
| N(_,g,d) -> 1+max (hauteur g) (hauteur d);;
hauteur ex1;;
let rec nb_feuilles=function
| V -> 0
| N(_,V,V) -> 1
| N(_,g,d) -> (nb_feuilles g) + (nb_feuilles d);;
nb_feuilles ex1;;
let rec nb_noeuds=function
| V -> 0
| N(_,V,V) -> 1
| N(_,g,d) -> 1+ (nb_noeuds g) + (nb_noeuds d);;
nb_noeuds ex1;;
let rec peigne h=peigne_commencant 0 h
where rec peigne_commencant r=function
| 0 -> N(r,V,V)
| hh -> N(r, peigne_commencant (r+2) (hh-1), N(r+1,V,V));;
peigne 2;;
let rec complet h=complet_commencant 1 h
where rec complet_commencant r=function
| 0 -> N(r,V,V)
| hh -> N(r,complet_commencant (2*r) (hh-1),complet_commencant (2*r+1) (hh-1));;
complet 2;;
let rec miroir=function
| V -> V
| N(x,g,d)->N(x,miroir d,miroir g);;
dessin_arbre (miroir ex1);;
let rec liste_infixe =function
| V->[]
| N(a,fg,fd)-> (liste_infixe fg)@(a::(liste_infixe fd));;
let in1=liste_infixe ex1;;
let rec liste_prefixe =function
| V->[]
| N(a,fg,fd)-> a::(liste_prefixe fg)@(liste_prefixe fd);;
let pre1=liste_prefixe ex1;;
type 'a pile==('a list) ref;;
let Pile_vide ()= ref [];;
let push x p=(p:=x:: !p);;
let pop l=let x=hd !l in l:=tl !l;x;;
let est_vide l=(!l=[]);;
let infixe_2 a=let p=Pile_vide() in
let etape ()=
(match pop p with
|N(x,V,V)->print_int x;print_string " "
begin push fd p; push (N(x,V,V)) p; push fg p end)
in push a p;
while not(est_vide(p)) do etape () done;;
infixe_2 ex1;;
let prefixe_2 a=let p=Pile_vide() in
let etape ()=
(match pop p with
|N(x,V,V)->print_int x;print_string " "
begin push fd p; push fg p; push (N(x,V,V)) p end)
in push a p;
while not(est_vide(p)) do etape () done;;
prefixe_2 ex1;;
let rec cut1 l a=match l with
| [] -> failwith "listes corrompues"
| x::reste -> if x=a then [],reste
else let g,d=cut1 reste a in x::g,d;;
let rec cut2 l=function
| 0->([],l)
| k->let (g,d)=cut2 (tl l) (k-1) in ((hd l)::g,d);;
let rec pre_inf2tree =function
| ([],_)-> V
| (a::reste,l)->let (g2,d2)=cut1 l a in
let (g1,d1)=cut2 reste (list_length g2)
in N(a,pre_inf2tree (g1,g2),pre_inf2tree (d1,d2));;
ex1=pre_inf2tree (pre1,in1);;
type arbre={Etiq:int; fils:arbre list};;
type Lex=PO|PF|Val of int;;
let rec arbre2exp a=PO::Val(a.Etiq)::(foret2exp a.fils)@[PF]
and foret2exp = function
| [] -> []
| a1::reste ->(arbre2exp a1)@(foret2exp reste);;
let rec exp2arbre=function
| PO::Val(e)::r->
let (f,suite)=exp2foret r in ({Etiq=e; fils=f},suite)
| _->failwith "erreur de syntaxe"
and exp2foret =function
| PF::reste->([],reste)
| l->let (premier,s)=exp2arbre l in
let (autres,a_suivre)=exp2foret s in (premier::autres,a_suivre);;